Monday, August 1, 2011

100th post

copyright 2011, Caris Cerdwyn, all rights reserved.
This is my 100th post on She Who Listens!  Send me a message at that you visited today, and if you'd like I will send you a small gift to celebrate.

We took a long walk at one of our favorite places to go yesterday morning.  And later, in the evening, I took a walk up by the resevoir, trying to capture a bit of the magic there.  Pink clouds, water like glass, the peaceful quiet of a summer evening.  There were two groups of college kids there last night, and that was fine with me.  Normally, Madeline the dog is at my side, but I was alone last night.  It's always nice to hear other peoples' voices and laughter when you're on your own.  A little less lonely somehow.

Driving down the road, there was an amazing vista bathed in pink mist and dark hills.  I hope the photos come out well.

Beauty is one of the constants around here.  It is a comfort when other things go badly, or people aren't quite shining with that illuminating light one would hope they might have.  Horses in a meadow, cows meandering through a pasture, eating the green grass which grows every which way you might turn.  There are mountain streams, cold and fresh, and rivers that sometimes overflow their banks when the rains are heavy.  Humming birds, yellow finches, great blue herons, cardinals, cedar waxwings, bob cats, bear and deer fill the woods.  The trees themselves tell such stories of life in this place.  There are waterfalls, and long views over the great hills which are called the Catskill Mountains which take your breath away.

Coming down River street last night, driving slowly, a deer and her fawn ran across the road through the beams of my headlights.

What beauty is all around us.  Day after day, evening after evening, moonlit night after night.

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