Monday, October 3, 2011

Think on these things...

"A Meditative Moment"  copyright Caris Cerdwyn, All Rights Reserved

Think on the good things.  There are so many of them.  And when the negative stuff starts to pile up, pull back and find a way to get things back into perspective.  Sometimes I take time, like this seagull, to simply sit and "be" for a while.  The negative is there, but there are always ways for it to be transformed.  There are always ways for the grief and the sadness, to find its way eventually to gratitude and joy.  There are ways for hard situations to become a gift over the long haul.  There are gifts and blessings in the middle of every difficulty. 

There is some sunshine outside my window today, and I daresay, outside many of yours as well.  That in and of itself is a great cause for a smile and a "thank you." 

Wishing you plenty of sunshine today, many smiles, laughter, joyful surprises and sweet dreams.

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