Thursday, June 16, 2011

Small Wonders

A friend of mine sends out a weekly email diary called "Small Wonders", in which she describes encounters with nature.  I look forward to receiving those pieces about the natural world because it also gives me a glimpse into her life and things that are happening.  She's off being a park ranger this summer.  I feel myself just a little bit envious.

This morning I took the first walk I've had since I twisted my leg last weekend.  My knee is stronger, if not pain free.  Bending it is the hardest part...especially going up and down the stairs.  But the path we walked upon was nice and even, with only one incline that wasn't too steep.  The most difficult part of the walk was running into other dogs.  We didn't go out as early as I like to go, and so there were other dogs and walkers there.  Madeline had to stay on the leash part of the time.  She can be a bit of an alpha female every once in a while when she runs into another alpha female, and then the fur flies.  She doesn't like dominant female dogs and she doesn't like woodchucks.  The woodchucks she chases across the field.  Once in a while they don't make it and so then there is a showdown...much barking and gnashing of teeth, and hissing by the woodchuck.  They can be fierce little creatures.  And we can get stuck there while she circles the woodchuck, lunging at it...but too scared to actually kill it.  Poor Madeline.  She and Pitty Pat the cat had a stare down this morning.  Madeline tried to hide behind my legs, but there wasn't a lot of room in the space.  Pitty Pat's fur stood up, and she looked haughtily up at the beast who is Madeline.  Madeline cowered.  And Pitty Pat turned and walked slowly away, her nose in the air.

Well, more job hunting here today on my computer.  Excercises for my knee.  Lots of water.  And I suspect the fan will need to be turned on eventually.

On with the day!

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