Monday, June 27, 2011

Same Sex Marriage passes in New York...
Same Sex Marriage has passed in New York State.  A landmark decision.  I'm a couple of days late on talking about it, but it is good news.  The people in the local paper who opposed it all had a sort of mean look about them...squinty eyes and tight lips.  The one guy was worried about the financial impact it would have on Social Security...surviving spouses being able to draw on their late partner's Social Security.  His comment seemed rather small and ungenerous.

I am thinking of some good friends of mine who have been together for over 20 years now.  And another gay couple who have been together for 15 years.  And I wonder about people who can't put their minds around the concept of that kind of commitment and love between two people of the same sex.  People who would deny a surviving spouse social security because he or she is the same sex as the deceased.  What difference does it make?  What makes it such a threat?  If everyone pays into the system, why shouldn't everyone benefit?

It's uncomfortable, that's why.  It's uncomfortable to think of Aunt Jane, the spinster, who lived with her friend, might not have been a spinster at all.  Or the two fellows down the street that share a house...what are they really doing together behind closed doors?

If you're uncomfortable, the answer is simple.  Keep your mind away from the bedroom.  I don't know gay people who go around worried about what's happening behind the closed doors of their heterosexual neighbors.  There is just too much voyeurism in our society. 

People are people.  Love is love.  It is a simple thing, and it just so happens that 10% of the population is drawn to people of their same gender.  Live and let live. 

Or better yet...join the celebration!

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