Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Writing a blog, writing music, writing a poem, talking to a friend, keeping up with Facebook and email could engage the entirety of my day.  Sometimes I suppose it does...aside from walking the dog or going for coffee with a friend.  It has been a while since I have had a regular, routine job.  Some 18 years!  I have worked...probably much more intensely than those working a 9-5 job.  "Running to keep up" is the mantra I sometimes have used in this self employment gig.  Though lately, it has been more difficult to even begin!  I guess part of the reality is what happens as a woman ages. 

Unfortunately, our society devalues folks who are older.  Younger people tend to have more energy.  That is true.  Older people however, carry a wisdom that the younger ones need.  We need each other.  It is the simple truth.  And I am not sure how to move beyond the age stigma. 

Society dictates so many things to us.  I wonder how we can change those dictates and choose what is really best for us?  Instead of just going along with the stuff that is fed to us:  beauty, youth, power, position, money are what gets us what we want in this world; perhaps we could try to open our hearts and our minds.  Perhaps we could stretch beyond the norm and discover that stretching is just the thing our hearts and minds need as much as our body does!

I applied for a writing job today.  It is a job I really would like to have for any number of reasons.  And I know there are probably hundreds if not thousands of applicants.  Will there be anything in my resume and work history or cover letter which will jump out?  Who knows!  I'm not sure how some of that uploading stuff works, I think I uploaded my cover letter four times and my resume twice.  My age is showing!  I am hoping that the fourth upload will cancel all the ones before.  But one can never be sure.  Nothing showed up in the little boxes, which is why I kept uploading.  I thought it wasn't working.  But it was. 

Well, it's time for me to get out there and look for some music gigs over the summer.  I noticed a little restaurant in the area has added a piano to their decor.  It would be awesome to have more of those kinds of venues.  Of course, I don't think the piano is tuned, AND they have it sitting against an outside wall, which is a no no.  Maybe it came from someone's barn!  The cold isn't the problem for a piano.  Just the humidity.  I think my body is a bit like that.  I don't mind the cold either.

I hope the human resource people read my blog :-) 

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