Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Pond and the Chickadees

A dear friend, who is no longer here, wrote her masters thesis about chickadees.  Friendly little birds.  They can be fierce as well.  I never got to read that thesis, but wish I had asked.  She did tell me though, that if you are patient enough, and still enough, you can get them to eat out of your hands.  I imagine she did get them eating out of her hand.  She was such a quiet, patient person, with a wonderful sense of humor.  I used to tease her about her freezer.  She was a wildlife rehabilitor, and one never knew what one might find in the depths of that cold storage.  Favorite ice cream, a roast, dead mice, road kill.  Of course it wasn't just thrown in there all in a mish mash, but if you looked in the wrong place, was good for weight loss.  The ice cream would lose it's appeal! (I know she's not far away.  I can hear her telling me that I shouldn't be telling her secrets.  I did get into trouble one Easter by telling a guest just the truth about her freezer!  I had no idea she was so sensitive about it.)

The chickadees are at the birdfeeder just now, and the sky is punctuated with a few clouds.  A passing shower even rained some hail a few minutes ago.  And old Becky, the cat is sitting on her kennel, grooming herself.

What will come next for me.  A friend and I had coffee this afternoon, chatting about things in general.  And then out of nowhere, she said:  "So are you facing an abyss?"  Perceptive cookie that one.  Indeed, my insides feel so flat, which every once in a while erupts in a fountain of tears..  I've been thinking about getting in the car and driving to Oregon in May, just taking off and seeing what comes to me.  Perhaps some music gigs, maybe a job someplace, maybe just a time to gather myself, reach down into the well and draw on my resources to face whatever does or doesn't come next.  Life is so short.  Should I go the southern route...which would be warmer, and fresh fruits and vegetables would be less expensive.  Or should I go the northern route, with Pitty Pat along for the ride?  Cool in places.

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