Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Sending Hope

In the midst of traumatic events, the very best thing that can happen is for people to know they aren't alone. Chaos is terrifying. We all know this at some level...which is why we dig into our pocketbooks, even when we are stretched financially, to give.  When someone has lost everything, a simple kindness can make all the difference.  There is hope in a simple receiving a bottle of water or enough food for the day, or some clothing.  It says that things can eventually return to order.  

We are far away from what is happening to the people of Japan, and yet we are all children of this earth.  The story, the sorrow, the fear, the helplessness, come to us through the soles of our feet as we walk upon the planet we share.  We may feel that life goes on as usual, but it doesn't. 

Well, I know that I am praying.  And my prayers are among many, many others.  Join me in lighting a is the site:

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