Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Heavens Are Telling of the Glory of God

Yellow Stone Lake
There is a very scholarly discussion on the lectionary discussion list to which I am subscribed.  It is interesting on some levels, though theology in and of itself has never been the thing I am most interested in.  I tend toward being a bit of a hermit, and over the past weeks there have been exchanges about the necessity of community, and of course the strong support there for the institutional church.  It is a bit biased as most of the list are clergy.  My own background is quite ecumenical, and more recently it has held influences from Buddhism.  But ultimately my roots are Christian. 

I find it quite amusing that yesterday I was writing about faeries, when the strong position for traditional Christian theology was being posted.  It stirs that hornets nest don't ya know.  I remember when one of my professors from seminary left church as he was just worn out.  His last words to me were that he just wanted church people to leave him alone.  I've tried to remain connected to "church" over the years.  But the past couple of years my associations have been more distant.  And the kinds of discussion happening on that e-list have become increasingly less interesting to me.  I am beginning to understand why so many people have left the church.  It isn't just about the hurt and hypocrisy.  It goes deeper than that.  The rules, unspoken and spoken, have become burdensome.  And much of "traditional Christian Theology" has been handed down to us through a very patriarchal system.

It is a great passion and love of mine to follow the lectionary passages each week.  It is quite wonderful to be back in that spiritual practice.  I believe there are new movements afoot because Jesus has become a bit weary with the legalism of so much that is "church."  And I can appreciate scholarly pursuits as much as the next person, but at the end of the day, they don't bring me or many others the comfort and the strength to walk the talk. 

Thank God witch hunts are limited to gossip and shunning these days.  No more burning people at the stake for their heresies.  I'd rather be in the good company of the women who practiced natural healing arts, and gave their lives because of that, than in the company of somebody totally lost in academic thought, so busy with his own ego that he doesn't have humility or grace to make room for others who think differently than he does. 

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