Monday, January 14, 2013


Starting the Artist's Way again.  Funny how much this book has influenced my thinking and being.  It has been the single biggest influence in my life aside from my relationship with God and the Bible. 

Today the word "chance" came to to mind.  Julia Cameron calls it syncronity.  Some of us who are Christians might say "All things work together for those who love God."   You know the kind of thing I mean, right?  Like the things that perhaps one's enemies mean for harm and destruction and hurt, God actually takes and turns around and uses it for good.  And when we are centered in God and our life's purpose, there is often an easy flow, where surprising things happen and they fit in so sweetly and smoothly with the direction we are headed. 

I am definitely NOT a proponent for "Everything happens for a reason..."  Like someone is directing the flow of traffic, and someone being raped and brutalized in a back alley, creates some reality in some other place that makes the world a better place.  Poppycock!  I am however, a proponent for God's presence being with the person who is being raped, and I do believe that those terrible things in a person's life can end up changing a person's life in ways that heal and bring healing and hope to others.  But it isn't magic.  There's no magic wand that heals the terrible wounds left on a victim's psyche.  It takes years of hard work, and even then there are scars and places which will never be the same. 

A friend and I were recently wishing we had a magic wand to "fix" some hard stuff in our lives.  Wouldn't it be grand?  Sigh.  I guess we'll have to work through it the old fashioned way.  But of one thing I am sure, if we ask for help, it arrives.  Not always in the form we expect, or sometimes even want, but it does arrive and with it comes a power for change and growth, helping us to become the person we are meant to be. 

If you're in Southern Oregon, enjoy the sunshine.  And if you are in other parts of the world, enjoy the beauty of this day, whatever the weather.  Life is a gift.  May you open it with wonder today.

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