Sunday, August 14, 2011

Life is Good

Life is Good   copyright 2011, Caris Cerdwyn, all rights reserved
All along the way we find the beauty and the things we need to nourish us, body and soul.  Sometimes we forget the blessings.  I had a tooth pulled the other day and ever since have been on the cranky side of things.  Grumble, grumble.  But even in the midst of the pain and the fatigue that comes along with this minor inconvenience, gifts appear.  My friend who drove me to the dentist and went and got me ice cream and yogurt to eat; the dentist himself who is a gentle fellow with a great sense of humor and who has great patience with me; a phone call with a friend; a comment about my blog.  And there is a very good book I'm reading called:  Secret Daughter by shilpi somaya gowda (that's how her name appears on the book.)

This morning I slipped into church...I'd forgotten the time is different in the summer.  But the few moments I stayed were spent in silence.  Nice.  And then I went for a drive in the country, some back roads and found myself stopping on the way home for BBQ chicken.  There in the parking lot was a woman with whom there was unfinished business.  Sigh.  This unending work around making amends is sometimes an exhausting process, but I did ask forgiveness.  She responded as so many of us do, with a "that's alright" and a smile.  But it wasn't alright.  I had hurt her, and it was important for her to know that I knew that.  Asking forgiveness of someone is such a humbling thing, and it brought up some difficult memories and some sadness.  I guess that's why asking forgiveness is a bit like pulling teeth, eh?  It hurts a bit.  But the gifts which come from doing so are as big as all outdoors.  My face and mouth are feeling a bit better, and so is my heart.

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