Thursday, August 25, 2011


"Green"  copyright 2011, Caris Cerdwyn, all rights reserved
Got an interesting email the other day about the younger generation giving the older generation a hard time about "not being green."  And then a long list of things that "used to be" which have died out because we like our conveniences, but which in their day were quite green.  Glass milk bottles...gosh I wish we'd go back to that!  I hate the plastic ones.  And the cardboard ones use precious resources.  And I remember bringing a friend home from college once, and she saw my mother washing plastic bags. (My mother was a child during the depression years and learned to save everything.)  My friend started to giggle.  She thought it was the funniest thing she'd ever seen.  Now that was definitely not a time when "green" was being promoted back in Nebraska.

One of the more interesting things I've seen lately was a woman carrying a cloth bag that said "Save the planet" and she was smoking a cigarette.  It seemed rather incongruous.

And not all the younger generation are into being green.  I was in the grocery store a while back and said I had forgotten my bags.  I can't remember the exact words exchanged, the cashier, a young woman in her teens, responded that it really wasn't important.  Poor girl, she said that to the wrong person!  She got my inspiring little talk about plastics in the ocean and the devastating effects they are having on sea life, which in turn will have an effect on humans.  There wasn't anyone in line behind me, so her eyes were starting to glaze over by the time I realized I needed to be quiet and move on.

Make a difference...recycle, renew, reuse!!!!!  I for one, love the green things.  Let's keep them around.  If they go, so do we. 

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