Tuesday, April 2, 2013


flowers from the choir brunch
Perfection...two days after the choir and clergy brunch which I organized, I am still trying to recover!  But these flowers are just perfect.  I fell in love with them, so I brought them home.  Simple and elegant, each time I pass by them I find myself catching my breath in wonder. 

Oh to be such perfection!  Oh well...humans that are perfectly beautiful on the outside, sometimes lack that beauty in other ways.  Still, one can wish, one can dream! 

There is a part of us that is so perfect.  Remembering that can be challenging, but it's there, made in the image of God, and when we can get our egos out of the way, it shines.

1 comment:

  1. This is lovely and gets to the heart of the matter simply but directly. Thank you for your post! :-)
