Tuesday, June 14, 2011


What makes it so difficult to look at someone else's life with perspective?  It seems as though when someone reacts to some stimulus in their life, differently than perhaps "I" do, (and I mean the universal "I" here), I immediately make a judgment about that person as weak or "Loser" or "less than..." because they struggle in a different way.  Perhaps I am stronger in some ways, and it is in that very strength that compassion should blossom.  So perhaps in my judgment I become weak.

Does it all just sound like double talk?  Maybe it is.

Love each other.  That can be a near impossibility.  Sometimes the best I can manage is simply to keep my mouth shut, and not let loose a bunch of negativity or gossip or meaness.

I woke up feeling mean this morning, thinking of situations and people and mean spirited things to say.  I woke up angry is the deal.  So I try sitting with my anger and take care of it.  Not an easy task.  I try to listen to it, and it has on these boxing gloves that change size from time to time, and so when I ask what I can do, it says "take that..." and I wind up with the proverbial black eye.  That's the thing about anger.  It so often turns back on you, even when you're trying to do the right thing.  Maybe especially when you are.  I haven't quite learned how to float like a butterfly when it starts punching at me...making judgments of me, telling me I have it all wrong.  IT however, certainly knows how to sting like a bee!  Like a hornet's nest some days.  Telling me I'm wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong...all wrong and wrong again.

Peace dear ones.  And the best to you in dodging your own anger while trying to take care of it.

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