Saturday, April 9, 2011

Sleepless night

It is 4:26 am and my brain is jumping with information about the muscles and connective tissues of the knee and thigh.  I've been up since 2:00 am.  Pain in my back and legs refused me sleep.  It's still taunting me.  The pain meds I have are too strong.  I would go through the day in a fog, and probably shouldn't even drive if I took them.  Tylenol doesn't help.  So I guess I will practice some meditation and breathe through it.  That usually eases it to some degree.

The biceps femoris' proximal attachment is to the ischial tuberosity.  (The spell check doesn't approve of these Latin terms.)  But where is the distal attachment?  I know you probably don't care, unless you're another kinesiology student, or you have injured your biceps femoris.  I think it attaches to the head of the fibula.  And it is the muscle that helps you rotate your hip laterally.  It also flexes the knee and tilts the pelvis posteriorly.  Isn't ischial tuberosity a great name?  The three hamstring muscles attach there. 

If one listens, there is a peeper who has been singing most of the night.  It's on and off, and not a strong sound.  But then it is early spring yet.  Just now the haunting sound of coyotes howling nearby pierce the night and send a shiver up my spine.  I go out to the deck to listen for more, but the deep darkness of this time, just before dawn, is now silent. 

Guess I'll go check out the poetry site.  Have you ever been there?  It's called  I recently discovered it, and have been enjoying myself immensely.  Other poets!!!  Some are seasoned, their words rich and expansive, filling me up to saturation.  Others are learning, and I enjoy offering feedback here and there, which encourages but deepens.  Anyway, my handle is cturtle there. 

Hope your day has a more reasonable start to it than mine has had!  Peace.

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